Paintings: all paintings are original, painted on canvas and wooden frame as indicated on this site, using professional acrylic or oil paint. Most are available. Depending upon date of creation, oil paintings may not be varnished yet.

Photographs: all shots are original and reproductions are limited in number. High-quality prints in large sizes are possible of most photographs, depending upon original density. Prints can be delivered on several materials. Please don’t hesitate to inform about the possibilities.  

Visit of studio: in case of serious interest in one of the paintings and, if possible, the desire to have a closer look, an appointment can be made to visit the collection in Castricum. 

Erwin Dunnebier    © Art by ARTS

Contact by mail: due to massive automatically generated spam on my contact form, it was necessary to look for an alternative way to inform for serious requests. For further questions and information, please use the following mail address  in your own mailbox: